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The Prince Regent, Herne Hill, 1 May 2024

17 May 2024

Upon returning to a life drawing group for the first time in over two years, one doesn’t wish to be late. But trains let me down. Cut to the chase: I had to walk from Denmark Hill to The Prince Regent in 23 minutes. Google says it takes 34. I did it in 18.

Artwork by Jake Attwell.

Artwork by Jake Attwell.

Artwork by Maria Beddoes.

Artwork by Jake Attwell.

Artwork by Gabrielle Bradshaw.

Hot and breathless but trying to look composed, I staggered up to the pub’s first floor where I found SketchPad Drawing and organiser Lisa exactly as remembered them: from both my last visit in February 2022… and my first visit in Janaury 2015. 🙂

Artwork by Jake Attwell.

Artwork by Joris.

Artwork by Jake Attwell.

Artwork by kris_kringlev2.

Artwork by Maria Beddoes.

The group now occupies only one function room instead of two, but that’s fine by me. It’s less limiting than posing in a doorway. We were a little late starting so I recovered enough to stand for a 10-minute pose, then four of 2 minutes, before sitting for 10s.

Artwork by Gabrielle Bradshaw.

Artwork by Joris.

Artwork by Jake Attwell.

Artwork by Ian Thomas.

Artwork by Maria Beddoes.

Artwork by Keith Whitworth.

In the last 15 minutes before our break, I perched on a table’s edge with hands round my head in a favoured Egon Schiele-style. The extended joys of a pub-based interval meant we could squeeze just two poses of 10-15 minutes into the second half.

Artwork by Maria Beddoes.

Artwork by Keith Whitworth.

Artwork by Keith Whitworth.

Artwork by Maria Beddoes.

For the closing poses I got a slightly-less-than-subtle hint to turn my face toward Lisa so she could sketch a portrait. Any time she wants to see more of me I’ll be delighted to return! Two years had been way too long… but it felt like only yesterday.

From → Art

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