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47/49 Tanner Street, London, 29 May 2024

14 Jun 2024

It had been seventeen days since my previous life modelling, the last seven of which were taken up with a visit to Sarajevo. Now, 24 hours (and 20 minutes) after landing back at Stansted, I was naked and posing again, for Tanner Street life drawing.

Artwork by Clive.

Artwork by Clive.

Artwork by Jacqui Hamer.

Artwork by Jacqui Hamer.

This is a straight-forward, well-run group with which to rediscover one’s groove; quiet and focused, a good mix of artists, nice people. We opened with two 2-minute poses, then two each of 5 minutes and 10 minutes. One of 15 minutes took us to our break.

Artwork by Clive.

Artwork by Cliff Barden.

Artwork by Clive.

Artwork by Jacqui Hamer.

Artwork by Clive.

Artwork by Jacqui Hamer.

Artwork by Rod Kitson.

After 12 years as a life model, inevitably a number of poses were tried-and-tested old favourites. However, in each session I also try to include a few not previously used at the venue. For the second half’s 55-minute pose, only sustainability mattered.

Artwork by Rod Kitson.

Artwork by Jacqui Hamer.

Artwork by Rod Kitson.

Artwork by Cliff Barden.

Artwork by Clive.

Artwork by Clive.

And indeed I did sustain it, albeit with a couple of stretches and a little discomfort. By the end, a smothering veil of numbness in my supporting arm was giving way to ever more pain. Only for the last minutes, though. Overall the feeling was good.

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